The Hay System of Job Evaluation: A Critical Analysis
Muhammad Ali EL-Hajji

This paper provides an overall insight of the Hay System of job evaluation (Guide Chart – Profile Method). It answers the question of Hay’s thinking behind his purpose to develop an alternative (and in his view) more effective system for measuring and assessing jobs (particularly the more senior management and executive posts). The paper also provides an analytical view demonstrating how Hay constructed his system to given parameters within given structure and shows that its specific composition lies in what he termed his three ‘primary factors’. Hay’s thinking and his work experience underpinned the foundations upon which the design and the construction of this system were formed. Hence, this paper illustrates not only the Hay System in general terms but also why he attached importance to each of its basic components such as job factors, his allocation of weightings, the importance of contribution made by each factor, his model for assigning given points to each factor and the degree of flexibility attached to his system. Moreover, the paper compares and contrasts the Hay System with other models of job evaluation. The paper also answers the question of what made the Hay System popular to the point of global recognition whilst simultaneously attracting its critics. Our academic experience of teaching for more than two decades with a further decade in both education and the business sector is the bedrock upon which this work is constituted.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jhrmls.v3n1a1