Capturing Competencies and Behavioural Indicators of Diplomats for a Multiple-Jobs Competency Model
Dr. Nada Megahed

Research into the validation of competency models in the field of diplomacy is lacking, and empirical data are needed in order to determine what competencies have to be taken into account in order to develop a sound model aimed at closing this gap. Until now, no single competency model has been developed to cater the specific needs of diplomats. Like in many other countries, Egyptian and Bahraini Ministries of Foreign Affairs lacks such a competency model. This research paper aims at extending the work that was published earlier by the International Journal of Business and Social Science; entitled “A Framework for Developing a Multiple-Jobs Competency Model for Diplomats”. In this research, Behavioural Event Interviews were employed to capture competencies and behavioural indicators of best performers among Egyptian and Bahraini diplomats (in all distinguished career levels) for the purpose of building a Multiple-Jobs Competency Model for Diplomats that is aimed at enhancing the success of Ministries of Foreign Affairs (MFAs) in selecting, preparing, allocating, and training their diplomats. Findings of this research have yielded a total of 62 competencies that are believed to be crucial for the professional conduct of diplomats. Moreover, empirical support for 297 Behavioural Indicators was reported.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jhrmls.v3n1a4