Volume 4 Issue 1
June 2016

Managing Stereotypes toward American Muslims in the Modern Workplace through Legal Training, Diversity Assessments and Audits Bahaudin G. Mujtaba, Frank J. Cavico, Tipakorn Seanatip Journal of Human Resources Management and Labor Studies, 4(1), pp. 1-45
DOI: 10.15640/jhrmls.v4n1a1      URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.15640/jhrmls.v4n1a1
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Formality of HRM Practices Matters to Employees Satisfaction and Commitment Junaidah Hashim, Yusof Ismail, Arif Hassan Journal of Human Resources Management and Labor Studies, 4(1), pp. 47-64
DOI: 10.15640/jhrmls.v4n1a2      URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.15640/jhrmls.v4n1a2
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The current Practices of Human Resource Management in Higher Education institutions in Palestine Raed A.S. Abu Teir, Ren-Qian Zhang Journal of Human Resources Management and Labor Studies, 4(1), pp. 65-83
DOI: 10.15640/jhrmls.v4n1a3      URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.15640/jhrmls.v4n1a3
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