The Analysis of the Selected Factors Influencing the Selection of Employee Training Methods
Jana Coculov�

The subject of the article is the issue of employee training as a very important human resource management practice. The article focuses on the analysis of selected factors that are important in the employee training methods selection process. In order to find up-to-date information on the status of education in Slovak companies, the research was carried out on a sample of 104 companies. Data were collected from January to April 2017 via a standardized questionnaire that was distributed in person and electronically to executives responsible for the implementation of education in their company. The aim of the research was to identify statistically significant differences in the use of selected training methods in terms of selected factors, namely the difficulties of implementing the given training method (time and money), the expected increase in labor productivity thanks to the training and the development of skills needed for the career development of employees. In order to meet the objective of this article four statistical hypotheses were tested using the Kruskal-Wallis test at the significance level of a 0.05. All hypotheses tested were accepted.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jhrmls.v5n2a2