Are You Living to Work or Working to Live? What Millennials Want in the Workplace
John S. Buzza

This study examines how different levels of work-life balance and job advancement affects a potential job seeker's attractiveness to a position. The study was geared towards Millennials that are entering the job market and corporations that should understand this generation properly to be able to recruit the best talent. The experiment was a 2 x 2 between subjects factorial design. The participants in this study included 95 males and 71 females college students enrolled in business classes from a medium sized private university in the northeast. The participants were asked to review an example job posting, which varied among conditions, and rate their attractiveness to the position. The results showed that the participants were able to tell the difference in conditions, and they were significantly more attracted to the position when there were high levels of work-life balance. There was not a significant difference with the work-life balance and jo b advancement conditions. The results indicate that Millennials say that jo b advancement is important when considering a job; only work-life balance that makes an impact. Corporations can use this information to properly recruit millennial talent and use the right resources to attract this group of talent.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jhrmls.v5n2a3