Attracting and Retaining Women Talent in the Global Labor Market: A Review
Donatus I. Amaram

Global competition, the dynamics of cultural diversity, and demographic realities make it necessary for more participation and retention of women in the global workforce. Baby boomers are retiring at rates faster and higher than their replacement rates. Companies with human resources strategies geared toward attracting, retaining and motivating child-rearing mothers will find themselves at a competitive advantage over their competitors. This paper examines samples of family-friendly strategies in the United States and selected countries in Europe, Asia and South/Central America with respect to their effects on the participation, retention and persistence of child-bearing women in the workforce. The paper concludes that investments in such strategies do not only attract and retain such women but are also a positive corporate success factor for such companies.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jhrmls.v7n1a1