Determinants of Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance of Informal Education Institution in Pare English Village
Endang Saefuddin Mubarok, Wiwin, Syahrullah, Rudi Salam

This research aimed at making the efforts to collect data and information and to analyze the motivation, organizational commitment, financial compensation, internal communication, work satisfaction, and employee performance variables. The results of this research were expected to be useful for the development of theory and the practical benefits were useful for managing business organizations, especially for the course institution in Pare English Village - Kediri, Central Java, Indonesia. The multivariate analysis with descriptively and explanatorily-quantitative method was used for this research. The samples of the research were 60 persons. Data collection was carried out using questionnaire instrument was subsequently analyzed by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the research concluded that motivation affected the job satisfaction, but not significantly affected the performance, organizational commitment significantly affected the job satisfaction and performance, financial compensation significantly affected the performance, but not significantly affected the job satisfaction, internal communication significantly affected the job satisfaction, but not significantly affected the performance, job satisfaction significantly affected the performance, and the strength values of dependent variable shown by the calculation results of the multiple correlation squared (R2) value of both job satisfaction and employee performance were significant.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jhrmls.v8n2a2