The Effects of Retrenchment/ Staff Rationalization: A Case of K.T.D.A Ltd.
Hillary Thomas Wandera
Journal of Human Resources Management and Labor Studies, 1(1), pp. 09-33.

The aim of this study was to establish the effects of retrenchment on employees of K.T.D.A Ltd. Amongst the objectives of the research were:
1. To investigate if retrenchment affected the productivity of the K.T.D.A Ltd.
2. To find out whether retrenchment has brought about uncertainty and poor attitude towards work.
The researcher indeed wanted to establish if K.T.D.A. Ltd realized any savings from the retrenchment exercise. In pursuance of the above objectives, the researcher expected to establish whether the retrenchment exercise as a reform strategy affected the delivery of services by the employees and their general well being. The researcher further wanted to establish whether K.T.D.A Ltd achieved its goals. A sample of 220 respondents was picked from a population of 880 employees in the K.T.D.A Ltd. Stratified simple random sampling was used and a questionnaire method was used to collect data supplemented by interviews. Tables and descriptive methods were used to represent the data. Many of the employees interviewed were of the opinion that their employer did not prepare them adequately before retrenchment and they were uncertain about the future of their jobs. For retrenchment to work as a reform strategy, it must be carefully planned and managed. Workers who remain after retrenchment must be reassured about the security of their jobs and trained to gain necessary skills to meet the challenges of their increased workload. Their salaries should also be taken care of to boost their morale. The outcome of this study is of great importance, as it will help retrenchments done in future to be organized in a better way, as well as help other organizations that intend to come up with retrenchment strategies.

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Wandera, Thomas Hillary. (2013). The Effects of Retrenchment/ Staff Rationalization: A Case of K.T.D.A Ltd. Journal of Human Resources Management and Labor Studies, 1(1), pp. 09-33.

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Mr. Hillary Thomas Wandera is a Human Resources Practitioner for over twenty two (22) years of experience where he has been involved in projects management, done Hr consultancy, training and in overall coordinated the Hr Administrative function within various international Organizations such as Kenya Tea Development Agency and Kenya Forest Service, among others. He gained vast experience through liaison with the Kenyan Authorities such as Ministry of Agriculture, Office of the president, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and the Immigration Department, Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife, among others. In his experience he has continued to earn excellent understanding of the various Organizations’ Rules and Regulations and issues of goal setting and optimization.

Mr. Wandera has attained an MBA in Strategic Leadership and Management from St. Paul’s University - Kenya, a Bachelors degree in Human Resources Management from Limkokwing University - Malaysia, Advanced Diploma in Business Administration from ABE (UK), Certification in Human Resources Management, Diploma in Information technology from ICM (UK), Certificate in purchasing and supplies – IPS (UK), among others. He is also proficient in Software applications and is fluent in English and Kiswahili. He is a full member of the Institute of Human Resource Management (Kenya).

The vast experience in the field of work has taught him the need to collaboratively work with groups and colleagues to establish team work for effective service delivery. A client-oriented approach and working under pressure with minimal or no supervision has been a requirement in all areas he has worked. This has enabled him to get things done quickly and on time. Tact and diplomacy are a prerequisite for his job and past experience has enabled him to develop qualities required to supervise / handle people and their problems in the most professional way. He understands the applicability and limitations of technology in his day to day operations and has continued to be in the forefront in learning and applying new technology to appropriate tasks.