Critical Success Factors of the E-Recruitment System
Khalil Ghazzawi, Abeer Accoumeh

People are at the core of every organization, they are integral part of any organization today. Organizations cannot exist without staff to complete the production cycle. Therefore the organizations do not take their staff for granted. Choosing the right candidate at the right place has implications for an organization’s goals. Employee well selected and well placed would not only contribute to the efficient running of the organization but offer significant potential for future replacement. The recruitment strategy needs to be dynamic to let the organization grow. This research aims to help professionals in the HR departments and management to consider and improve how they recruit, develop and look after their staff. E-Management is one of the most challenges that organizations are facing in their businesses processes. Those processes are supported by the usage of electronic information system and applications. New technologies have been increasingly facilitated and speed up the communication and business process between the internal and external users. Erecruitment considered as a part of e-HRM and defined as the implementation of recruitment activates by involving the internet and using web solutions to operate and at the end it has the same goals of the traditional recruitment. Online recruitment is becoming more attractive for the employers and job seekers. Advantages and disadvantages of e-recruitment system were determined by examining the overall process. Throughout this research we will identify the influential factors that affect the success of using online recruitment instead of traditional recruitment and measure the effectiveness of each factor. The research is going to provide the organizations and HR members a wider vision how would they set up their recruitment strategies and retain their employees.

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