Factors Affecting the Achievement of Good Governance in HRM: The Empirical Study of Local Governments in Southern Part of Thailand
Jutamanee Trakulmututa, Asst. Prof. Dr. Bussabong Chaijareonwattana
Journal of Human Resources Management and Labor Studies, 1(1), pp. 01-08.

This research showed the factors affecting the achievement of good governance in HRM. For this research, 387 local government organizations were used as the samples. The data gathering instrument was questionnaires with semantic differential scale. The statistics model for data analysis was Goodness of Fit Measures with evident data. Researcher used the Linear Structure Relationship to analyze the combination of casual factors among the Path Analysis. The research found as follows. The casual factors affected the achievement of good governance in HRM of the local governments in Southern Part of Thailand were fairness of awareness, the characteristics of the implementing agencies and the acceptance of implementers. The causal factors that had indirect effect to the achievement of good governance in HRM of Local Government in Southern Part of Thailand were policy standard and objectives, resources, the organizational communication, economic, social and political conditions. The causal factors that had the direct negative effect on others were the characteristics of the implementing agencies, which had a direct negative effect on ‘the organizational communication and the acceptance of implementers, which had a direct negative effect on achievement of good governance in HRM of Local Government in Southern Part of Thailand. These factors proved variances of good governance in HRM of the local governments in Thailand at 60.1 percent. By path analysis, we obtained the model that fits the evident data and satisfies the fixed criteria of Goodness of Fit Measures of the model. These are Chi-square statistics is 5.950 at the degrees of freedom of 7, Goodness of fit Index is at 0.996, Adjusted Goodness of fit Index is at 0.980, Root Mean Square Residual is t 0.010 and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation is at 0.000.

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Trakulmututa, Jutamanee., & Chaijareonwattana, Asst. Prof. Dr. Bussabong. (2013). Factors Affecting the Achievement of Good Governance in HRM: The Empirical Study of Local Governments in Southern Part of Thailand. Journal of Human Resources Management and Labor Studies, 1(1), pp. 01-08.

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Jutamanee Trakulmututa
Faculty of Management Sciences
Prince of Songkla University

Asst. Prof. Dr. Bussabong Chaijareonwattana
Faculty of Management Sciences
Prince of Songkla University