Conflict Management and Employees Performance in Julius Berger Nigeria Plc.Bonny Island
Dr. Mba Okechukwu Agwu
Management and Labor Studies, 1(1), pp. 34-45.

The paper discussed conflict management and employees performance in Julius Berger Nigeria Plc. Bonny Island. It views organizational conflict as a dispute that occurs when interests, goals or values of different ndividuals or groups are incompatible with each other. It assumes that integration of all stakeholders’ interests will go a long way in reducing conflicts in organizations and enhancing employees’ performance. It is based on the democratic conflict management strategy. The research question addressed the extent of the relationship between conflict management strategies and employees’ performance and employees/management perception of he effectiveness of conflict managemet strategies in Julius Berger Nigeria Plc. Bonny Island. The place of study is Julius Berger Nigeria Plc. Bonny Island while the duration of study is between August, 2012 and September, 2013. A descriptive research design was used in executing the study using 50purposively chosen sample respondents consisting of 25 managerial employees and 25 non-managerial employees of Julius Berger Nigerialc. Bonny Island. The core aspect of he study is the use of cross sectional survey research design in generating he required primary data. Data collec ed were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results from the data analysis indicated that significant relationship exists between conflict management strategies and employees’ performance and no differences exist between managerial and non-managerial employees ‘perception of the effectiveness of conflict management strategies. The research therefore recommends among others: promotion of industrial democracy, regular management/employees meetings, and strict implementation of collective agreements and regular review of personnel policies.

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Agwu, Okechukwu Dr. Mba. (2013). Conflict Management and Employees Performance in Julius Berger Nigeria Plc.Bonny Island. Journal of Human Resources Management and Labor Studies, 1(1), pp. 34-45.

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Mba Okechukwu Agwu is a senior lecturer in the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. He earned a master of business administration degree (MBA) in business administration from the Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) Enugu in 2001 and received a Ph.D in management in 2008 from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He is a professional manager and a member of the Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM).He is also a professionalmember of the Nigerian Institute of Safety Professionals (NISP) and is currently the chairman of the institute in Bonny Island, Rivers State. He is presently the coordinator of Entrepreneurial Studies (GS300) in the General Studies Unit of the Niger Delta University. He has a professional and teaching experience in the areas of health, safety and environment (HSE) management and business management. His research interests are in the areas of business management, business policy, project management and feasibility analysis and business research. He has so far authored three books: Principles and Practice of Entrepreneurship for Economic Empowerment, Introduction to Business Management- a new approach and Fundamentals of Quantitative Techniques for business decisions – a simplified approach. He is married with three children.
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