Methodology for Hierarchization of Competences: A Fast Decision-Making Algorithm Applied to Organizations in Brazil
Brillo de Carvalho, J.B; Cosenza C.A.N

This study is dedicated to adapting the COPPE/COSENZA model, an information program that permits the creation of a multi-criteria ranking that considers preferred industrial activities in specific regions. Our aim was to apply this model to rank competences in Brazilian organizations based on the Triaxial Model of Values (Dolan and Garcia) and to work through the direct match between the supply profile of the market and the demand profile of the organizations. By verifying the market supply with the model, we can obtain a profile of the supply, which covers the different market segments. At the same time, we can verify the demand from the organizations in a detailed manner to obtain the demand profile. These profiles are subsequently compared through a mathematical analysis that employs matrix operations; the result, therefore, is expressed in the form of a matrix of indexes that translates the competence development opportunities for each market segment. The search for an appropriate methodology for quantifying the impacts of the supply and demand of the competences was primarily motivated by the desire to support companies, aiding them in making decisions with the multi-criteria ranking methodology. This support is accomplished through the direct match between the competence demand profile and the competence supply profile of the market. The work described in this report resulted in a tool for decision-making support that is not restricted in its applications and that could be useful whenever one wishes to create a ranking of factors or potential in a multi-criteria manner in any type of supply and demand relationship.

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