“Demographic and Environment Factors Influence on Training and Development Effectiveness” in Hotel Industry: A Case Study of selected Hotels in Chennai
S. M. Denis Amritharaj, Dr. Vanathi Vembar

Effectiveness of training and development depends on various factors in any industry. It is so specific and peculiar in hotel industry because of its nature. Hotel industry sells combined products and service in both tangible and intangible formats. The service quality of any hotel depends on the level of awareness, experience and customer orientation of the service executives working at different levels of management. The primary aims of the study are to study the training and development practices in hotel industry and to assess the Demographic and Environment Factors Influence on Training and Development Effectiveness in Hotel Industry. For the purpose of data collection, a structured questionnaire is framed by reviewing the existing literature and by consulting the industry experts. Existing literature gives lot of scope on both external and internal factors affecting training and development practices adopted in hotel industry. The demographical factors influencing the effectiveness of training in hotel industry includes the nature of hotel, working department, training attendance status, experience and type of training undergone. Similarly the primary environmental factors influencing the training and development practices in hotel industry in the order of priority are Industry Associations and unions with the mean rank of 8.38, HR Supply- Availability of skilled employees with the mean rank of 8.36, Competition and service trends with the mean rank of 8.36. Hence, it is necessary to focus both on demographic and environmental factors to improve the effectiveness of training and development in hotel industry.

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