Employees' Perceptions of Trust, Fairness, and the Management of Change in Three Private Universities in Cyprus
Marcos Komodromos

This paper is aimed at both researchers and academics in the areas of Management and Communication. Researching employees’ perceptions of trust, fairness, and the management of change using an organizational justice framework can have significant implications for human resources management during a time of strategic change. The current work aims to give a better understanding of how an organizational justice framework can be used to explore employees’ perceptions of trust, fairness, and the management of change during a period of strategic change in three private Universities in Cyprus. However, Cyprus lacks empirical research on organizations’ use of organizational justice, trust, fairness, and the management of change. This paper opens the way to building a body of literature and empirical research for in this field in Cyprus, and will contribute to an enriched understanding of employees’ perceptions of trust, fairness, and the management of change using an organizational justice framework within three private Universities in Cyprus. This research employs a multiple-case study research design to satisfy the goal of this exploratory research and data was collected through multiple sources, including indepth individual interviews, and subject matter expert (SME) review and reflection of the data collected.

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