Volume 7, Issue 2
December 2019

The Strategic Position of Human Resource Management for Creating Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the VUCA World Dr Shahnaz Hamid Journal of Human Resources Management and Labor Studies, 7(2), pp. 1-4
DOI: 10.15640/jhrmls.v7n2a1      URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.15640/jhrmls.v7n2a1
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Factors Affecting Employee Turnover: the Case of Lebanese Retail Companies Khodor Shatila, Marina Alozian Journal of Human Resources Management and Labor Studies, 7(2), pp. 5-13
DOI: 10.15640/jhrmls.v7n2a2      URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.15640/jhrmls.v7n2a2
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