Volume 8, Issue 2
December 2020

Time Management and Business Performances in Banking Industry in Nigeria Akintayo, Dayo Idowu, Shadare Oluseyi Adetunji, Ayantunji, Isola Oyelekan, Olaniyan, Toyin Solomon (Corresponding Author) Journal of Human Resources Management and Labor Studies, 8(2), pp. 1-11
DOI: 10.15640/jhrmls.v8n2a1      URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.15640/jhrmls.v8n2a1
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Determinants of Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance of Informal Education Institution in Pare English Village Endang Saefuddin Mubarok, Wiwin, Syahrullah, Rudi Salam Journal of Human Resources Management and Labor Studies, 8(2), pp. 12-23
DOI: 10.15640/jhrmls.v8n2a2      URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.15640/jhrmls.v8n2a2
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The Impact of Motivation on Job Performance: A Review of Literature Hemakumara, M.G.G, PhD. Journal of Human Resources Management and Labor Studies, 8(2), pp. 24-29
DOI: 10.15640/jhrmls.v8n2a3      URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.15640/jhrmls.v8n2a3
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